1,136,209 | Total Non-Profit Organization Executives Postal Addresses | $75/M |
354,249 | With Telephone Numbers | + $15/M |
227,242 | With Email Addresses | $300/M Blast or $325/M Released |
This highly responsive database is the most complete listing of Non-Profit Organizations with top contacts. They have tax-exempt status and can be religious, scientific, research, or educational organizations.
This database is compiled from 501(c)3 filings and is selectable by organization type, number of employees, and more. They are excellent prospects for industry publications, events, and much more!
See why Complete Medical Lists is the source for Non-Profit Organization Executives:
Get a free count & quote - just let us know the details below:
States | |
3,986 | Alaska |
15,188 | Alabama |
10,205 | Arkansas |
17,444 | Arizona |
120,665 | California |
22,116 | Colorado |
14,780 | Connecticut |
8,410 | District of Columbia |
4,110 | Delaware |
59,946 | Florida |
32,968 | Georgia |
5,665 | Hawaii |
15,220 | Iowa |
6,408 | Idaho |
46,264 | Illinois |
25,392 | Indiana |
11,930 | Kansas |
13,068 | Kentucky |
14,171 | Louisiana |
28,034 | Massachusetts |
24,314 | Maryland |
7,103 | Maine |
34,948 | Michigan |
24,536 | Minnesota |
23,774 | Missouri |
8,656 | Mississippi |
7,346 | Montana |
32,743 | North Carolina |
3,998 | North Dakota |
9,266 | Nebraska |
6,049 | New Hampshire |
31,752 | New Jersey |
7,517 | New Mexico |
7,750 | Nevada |
73,039 | New York |
47,202 | Ohio |
13,719 | Oklahoma |
17,293 | Oregon |
46,935 | Pennsylvania |
4,313 | Rhode Island |
17,246 | South Carolina |
4,515 | South Dakota |
19,674 | Tennessee |
81,657 | Texas |
6,992 | Utah |
31,009 | Virginia |
4,274 | Vermont |
26,973 | Washington |
24,865 | Wisconsin |
7,166 | West Virginia |
3,615 | Wyoming |
Activity Type | |
9,108 | Advocacy / Public Opinion |
2,294 | Civil Rights |
49,783 | Cultural And Historical |
8,430 | Environmental |
3,028 | Farming |
34,264 | Health Service |
19,061 | Helping Individuals |
10,885 | Housing |
18,092 | Inner City / Community |
22,996 | Instruction And Training |
6,312 | Legislative / Political |
567 | Litigation / Legal |
48,192 | Membership Benefits |
1,817 | Mutual Organizations |
28,118 | Professional / Business |
109,471 | Religious Activities |
118,564 | School And College Related |
3,867 | Science Research |
53,725 | Sports |
28,309 | Youth |
Geography | $7.50/M |
Organization Type | $5/M |
Contact Name | $10/M |
Asset Size | $7.50/M |
Email: | $25/F |
P/S Labels: | $10/M |
Key Coding: | $2/M |
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