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Social Service Organizations & Executives

208,552Total Social Services Organization Executives Postal Addresses$75/M
208,552With Telephone Numbers+ $15/M
23,276With Email Addresses$300/M Blast or $325/M Released

This highly responsive database is the most complete listing of Social Service Organizations available. These organizations provide essential programs and services to advance human welfare, such as assistance to the elderly, handicapped, children, unemployed, and others.

These executives are excellent prospects for marketing and business services, management software, social services publications, financial services, and much more.

See why Complete Medical Lists is the source for Social Service Organizations:

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Additional Segments for Social Service Organizations & Executives

Orginazation Type
758Adoption Agencies
230Alzheimers Education/referral/support
334Autism Counseling & Treatment
107Autism Information & Referral Svc
288Cancer Information
120Child Care Referral Services
310Child Development Programs
292Child Development-parent/child Education
404Child Guidance
67Child Support Collections
1,951Community Centers
556Community Services
12,032Counseling Services
295Counseling-transformation Services
2,015Counselors-licensed Professional
75Crime Victim Services
60Crisis Centers
1,003Crisis Intervention Service
2,455Day Care Centers-adult
97Day Services Adult
302Diabetes Information Centers
60Disaster Preparedness
427Domestic Abuse Information & Treatment
110Elderly Companion Service
121Emergency Disaster Restoration Svc
60Emergency Notification Service
200Employee Assistance Programs
172Family & Children Services
658Family Planning Information Centers
1,175Food Banks
907Government-individual/family Social Svcs
979Health Care Instruction
89Hearing Impaired Services & Facilities
120Heart Disease Information & Treatment
1,038Homeless Shelters
77Hotlines & Helping Lines
488Housing Assistance
23,028Marriage & Family Counselors
857Mental Health Counselors
859Pregnancy Counseling Svc & Information
1,130Probation Services
149Referral Services
54Senior Citizens Counseling
4,589Senior Citizens Service
98Sexual Assault & Abuse Crisis Services
24,629Social Service & Welfare Organizations
53Social Services Info & Referral Programs
48,981Social Workers
1,124Social Workers-clinical
62Soup Kitchens
59Storm Shelters
203Stress Management Services
661Substance Abuse Centers
248Support Groups
116Transition Houses
8,317Youth Organizations & Centers


Phone Number$15/M
# of Employees$5/M
Sales Volume$5/M
Job Title$10/M

Delivery Charges

P/S Labels:$20/M
Key Coding:$2/M

Ordering Instructions

Why Choose Complete Medical Lists?

We are serious about accuracy. Each and every order is validated up to six times, including:

In fact, we're so sure of our accuracy, we have a 95% Deliverability Guarantee so you can feel confident that you are reaching verified addresses.

We're also proud of how comprehensive our lists are. No one else has medical data with as much specialty, demographic, and lifestyle information as we do. Whether you're looking for specialty doctors, affluent travelers, catalog shoppers, or a combination of all of those - we have you covered. Our hundreds of select options ensure your ideal audience is targeted.

Call us today at (603) 823-8042 and let us help you start finding new clients.